Dasseti has digitized some of the most useful industry standard DDQs
Dasseti makes it easier for you to use or adapt industry standard DDQs
Digitized DDQs include ILPA, AIMA, the PRI, ICI, AITEC and many more.

Dasseti has digitized many of the industry's most requested DDQs
We work closely with industry associations to ensure clients have access to the latest DDQs in the platform library.
If there is a DDQ you would like to see in the Dasseti library please let us know and we will digitize it and make it available.
One of the most requested assets on the AIMA website, the AIMA due diligence questionnaire for investment managers is a tool to assist investors when considering whether or not to invest with an investment manager or in an alternative asset fund. Most managers complete the DDQ and keep it updated ready to share with investors when required.
As the voice of institutional Limited Partners around the world, ILPA has compiled a standard DDQ to provide Limited Partners with a comprehensive set of questions to ask General Partners as part of the due diligence process. The DDQ was compiled from samples provided by LPs, GPs and third parties and has been verified by ILPA and industry leaders.
This DDQ has been developed to help investors understand and evaluate a general partner’s processes for incorporating material environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities into their investment practices and to understand where responsibility for doing so lies. It forms part of the ILPA DDQ.