Dasseti and Nasdaq eVestmentTM together provide a truly holistic picture
Get the full picture of fund managers
Institutional investors use Dasseti COLLECT to securely collect large amounts of data from fund managers.
- Automation features speed up the process of data collection and validation.
- Flags and alerts allow risks to be identified and investigated easily.
- Powerful analytics make it easy to understand what is happening at a manager or fund level and compare to peers.
Unlock the power of your data
Leverage your Nasdaq eVestment data within the Dasseti DDQ/RFP response platform. Dasseti ENGAGE is designed for investor relations and RFP teams to:
- Respond to RFPs, RFIs and DDQs faster
- Publish up to date information to client templates
- Distribute tailored client information smartly and securely
- Leverage AI/NLP to include Nasdaq eVestment data in Dasseti responses
“Eliminating unnecessary work, risk and complexity in the due diligence process provides opportunities for better engagement between investors and asset managers and ultimately better results for the work both are doing.”
Dasseti Announces $4.3 Million in Series A Extension Financing Led by Nasdaq Ventures to Support Accelerated Growth and Innovation
The Series A extension increases Dasseti’s total Series A financing to $10.3 million.

Dasseti and Nasdaq eVestmentTM Align to Automate the Due Diligence Process
Dasseti partners with Nasdaq eVestmentTM to to digitize and streamline operational and investment manager due diligence services.

Dasseti joins the ESG Data Convergence Initiative as one of the first ESG Data Partners
Dasseti is partnering with the EDCI to enable the initiative benchmark to be viewed directly within our platform.
Dasseti is Award-Winning
Dasseti has been recognized by the sector, as leading the fields of due diligence, ESG data collection and data management.