Next-Generation Software Platforms for the Investment Sector

Advanced automation minimizes tedious, repetitive tasks and frees up valuable resources for asset allocators and managers

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Are you gathering and analysing data?

Are you performing operational or investment due diligence? Are you monitoring a third-party delegate or sub-advisor? Or are you troubleshooting within your portfolio?

Dasseti Collect is an award-winning investment data collection and analysis toolset.


Are you responding to DDQ or RFPs from investors and struggling to keep your data consistent?

Do you spend a lot of time managing RFPs and DDQs, or completing information in consultant databases?

Dasseti Engage is an Investor Relations toolset that helps you deliver consistent, high quality investor and consultant communications, fast.


Do you need to collect and analyze large amounts of primary ESG metrics across your private market investments?

Are you an ESG lead within a GP looking for an effective ESG data collection and analysis tool?

Are you an LP or Fund of Funds and need to understand the impact your portfolio is making at a granular, entity level?


The world's leading investors, consultants and investment managers/GPs


Which Dasseti platform is right for you?

Fund Manager

Dasseti ENGAGE

Fund Managers and GPs

Streamline Investor Relations and use Dasseti Engage to automate DDQ and RFP responses, share data across all client templates and distribute LP data in a secure portal.

  • Tick icon #2 Easily populate RFPs, consultant databases, client templates and standard DDQs
  • Tick Centralized Q&A Bank - Single Source of Truth
  • Tick AI powered Smart Response Auto-Suggestions
  • Tick Team Workflow and Oversight
  • Tick Microsoft Word, Excel, Chrome plugins and editors
  • Tick Investor Profiles with File Management
  • Tick Full Audit Trail
  • Tick Customizable Report Templates
  • Tick AI powered Word, PDF and Excel document scraping
  • Tick icon #2 2-way Nasdaq eVestmentTM integration
ESG and Sustainability Teams

Dasseti ESG

ESG and Sustainability Teams investing in private markets

  • Tick icon #2 Industry Standard Templates
  • Icons (2) Custom Metric Selection
  • Icons (2) Metric Collection at Scale
  • Tick Data Aggregation
  • Tick Holdings Data Management
  • Tick Benchmarking
  • Tick icon #2 Proxy Data Solutions Available through Partners
  • Tick icon #2 GPs - Direct Data Collection from Portfolio Companies
  • Tick icon #2 LPs and Fund of Funds - Holdings Level Data Collection and Management
  • Tick icon #2 APIs for Integration with Other Platforms
  • Tick icon #2 Workflow Management

Transforming the exchange of data in the investment value chain